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The way we were...Complete Senior class pictures from our Heiskelite
yearbook (Special thanks to Shirley (Lumm) Erdmanis, again, for the loan of her copy). Also teacher
pics, and senior class
awards, activities, etc from the supplement.
27,2003- 18 more pages, including Clubs, School Activities and photos from the
advertising section-bet you are there!!(click here...)
Click on the following name ranges to view yearbook photos:
Adams - Baker; |
Barkdoll - Belew |
Belt - Bohn |
Bowers - Brandenburg; |
Brechbill - Brown |
Burkett - Carter |
Cassidy - Cordell |
Crable - Cullers |
Cunningham - Dorsey |
Duey - Fearnow |
Feigley - Fox,J |
Fox, L - Gish |
Godlove - Grove |
Hamby - Hatfield,B |
Hatfield, P - Hecker |
Hein - Holsinger; |
Hoover - Hull |
Hunt - Jones, Don; |
Jones, DL - Keller |
Kennedy - Klipp |
Klein, Saul (at 19) |
Knable - Lillard |
Lilly - Marlin; |
Martin - McElroy |
McKee - Miller, Dee |
Miller, E - Moore, B |
Moore,F - Mundley |
Munson - Nealis |
Neibert - Niswander; |
Norris - Penn |
Perry - Priest |
Purdham - Richardson; |
Ridenour - Roof |
Rosengren - Ryan |
Saum - Seese |
Seibert - Shaw |
Sheets - Shrader |
Shry - Snodderly; |
Snook - Speck |
Spickler - Stockslager |
Stonebeger - Swartz; |
Thomas - Wade, B; |
Wade,R -West |
Widmeyer - Wyland |
Here are some senior class activity photos from the yearbook supplement: (click for larger
Faculty &
Pics ---> |